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Army Men: Sarge's Heroes Free Download Full PC Game | Latest Version Torrent

Dec 15,  · For Army Men: Sarge's Heroes on the PC, GameFAQs has 1 FAQ (game guide/walkthrough) and 17 cheat codes and blogger.coming System: PC, DC, N64, PS. Download Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2. Nintendo Download Now. Windows XP/Vista/7/8/ System requirements: PC compatible; Windows XP/Vista/7/8/ System requirements: PC compatible; Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7//Vista/WinXP; Snapshots and Media. Nintendo 64/N64 Screenshots. GameBoy Color Screenshots. Similar /10(5). Army Men - Sarge's Heroes ROM Download for Nintendo Play Army Men - Sarge's Heroes online or download N64 game in USA (English) version only at ROMsDownload. Army Men - Sarge's Heroes game for Nintendo 64 works on computers and mobile devices with an emulator. This ROM is the best quality available and also plays on Android and iOS phones or tablets using N64 app.4/5(5).

sarges heroes pc download

Sarges heroes pc download

This shooter doesn't quite push the Dreamcast, but it offers four-player split-screen action, better graphics not by much, sarges heroes pc download, so calm down and an improved framerate from the PS version. Still, it's Army Men, so if you dig it, that's good, if you don't, this isn't likely gonna change your mind!

Sarge's Heroes ships this fall. If Toy Commander is the 'right' way to do a toy game, then it has to be said that Sarge's Heroes is off the mark somewhat. I really love the story and the premise Unfortunately though, the game is let down by a bunch of stupid little problems that make it a real joypad-hurler. It seems to take your input as more of a hint as to what you want to do rather than an actual command and then refuses to keep the camera focused properly on the action. The crappy frame-rate doesn't help things either--even with the expansion pak.

As far as gameplay goes, the enemy Al seems unnervingly erratic. While the enemy soldiers seem to be pretty dumb for the majority of the time, as soon as they know you're near they lock on to you with superhuman accuracy.

The Al in the escort missions sucks too It's a nice try, sarges heroes pc download, but it ain't great. Why do sarges heroes pc download with good concepts tend to have one or two fatal flaws that could've been avoided? The control and camera are my gripes for Sarge's Heroes. The graphics are darned good--so is the animation in most instances--but the touchy control and flaky camera will annoy you more often than not. Sad to say, even with a great concept and a number of well-designed, fun-to-play missions, it's best to avoid buying this one.

Give it a rent though. This game looks good, packs a cool story and oozes authentic battlefield conditions sarges heroes pc download explosions, chaotic troops, etc. Sarges heroes pc download then the whole thing's spoiled by one of the worst game cameras ever, sarges heroes pc download. The damn camera is just too slow to pan in the direction you need.

Zooming way out helps, but then the game gets choppy. If you can deal with all that frustration, you'll be rewarded with some decent missions. Too bad multiplayer isn't more exciting. Sarge's Heroes has a few fatal flaws which kill what would otherwise be a hit.

Control is horrible. I turn the corner, see some tan soldier, turn Oops, sarges heroes pc download, can't do that. If you're ever surrounded, you're screwed because there's no easy way to turn around. Almost everything about this game is sluggish.

The story and characters are cool, and I have no complaint with the graphics, but it could've used better control! Although fundamentally a pretty neat idea, it had a list of problems as long as your arm and a plot with holes in it the size of the Grand Canyon. Sarge's Heroes is kind of a second attempt for 3DO. The basic idea is the same The story line is actually not at all bad. The evil leader of the tan army has found a way to move between the "Army Men" world to their scale and "our" world--where he is stealing items which can be used as weapons of mass destruction.

Your job as "Sarge" is to stop them from bringing magnifying glasses and bug zappers into the mini-universe where they'll be used to melt the Green army once and for all. As you can see from the shots--this all takes place in a third-person perspective 3D shooter. The majority of the environments are pretty huge--and when set in "our" world they have a certain Micro Machines quality about them To go along with the story "arc," Sarge also has to rescue a number of comrades who have been captured by the tan forces.

Rescuing each mate will reward him by adding a new ability to his arsenal; using a bazooka, a mortar thingy and even a mine detector.

You run around, you shoot at stuff, you do a bit of crawling about, a bit of sniping, you jump in some vehicles and drive about using a control system that has been thankfully overhauled since the PlayStation game--which was as effective as a chocolate kettle and you admire the nice graphics which, incidentally, sarges heroes pc download, run in hi-res using the RAM pak, and have Gran Turismo -style specular highlights throughout to give everything a shiny, plastic toy-like appearance.

If the one-player mission isn't enough, Sarge's Heroes also comes sarges heroes pc download multiplayer flavor, and is apparently according to 3DO the first third-person, four-player game on the N Both deathmatch and co-op games are on the menu and from what little we've seen, it looks like it might be fun. This was the saving grace of the PlayStation game, so let's hope the team continues the tradition.

Those of you who played with toy soldiers as a kid probably won't need telling about sarges heroes pc download men, sarges heroes pc download. Suffice to say there are two types of soldiers - the good green guys who were in Toy Storyand the evil tan soldiers, usually moulded into the shapes of Rommel's Afrika Korps and subjected to severe magnifying glass punishment in the summer. Now the company that brought you the 3DO console delivers a game based around these badly-moulded plastic playthings.

Let's forget about that loser console though, and look at the game, which is definitely a step in the right direction for 3DO! In Sarge's Heroes you play the star of the show, the square-chinned Sarge, who wakes up one morning to find his base being over run by the tan hordes. Led by General Plastro, they intend to dominate your world of miniature plastic men by bringing back artefacts from a foreign land - the human world! Army Men: Sarge's Heroes is split between these two worlds across 16 missions, each of which is divided again into their own objectives.

To help you find your way around the levels and between objectives you get a map in the corner of the screen. This isn't really needed because the levels are quite small, sarges heroes pc download it does prevent time wasted wandering aimlessly. As well as the one-player missions, you get a multiplayer mode in which you can take on your mates in plastic warfare. This is great fun, but sarges heroes pc download just aren't enough options and modes of play to make you want to play it for hours on end, like you would Goldeneye or Quake II.

There are loads of weapons though, which do lend themselves well to multiplayer play - none more so than the sniper rifle, which no deathmatch camper should be without. All of the weapons in Sarge's Heroes are immensely enjoyable to use and you can tell that the developers have actually spent a bit of time thinking them over. Sure, you get all the usual shotguns, machine guns and grenades, but it is how they are used which makes the difference.

Take the grenades, for example - to fire these, you hold down the Z button to pull out the pin and bring up a targeting circle, sarges heroes pc download. This circle can then be moved around to where you want the grenade to go, it's just a case of releasing the trigger to let the unsuspecting tan have it. Another nice feature of the weapons inventory is the mine detector, which you use to sweep for hidden enemy explosives, sarges heroes pc download.

All of the weapons have adequate enough effects, but it's the flamethrower which shines out - literally - above them all. It's worth running through the Training mode when you get this game just to have a play with this beast of a weapon, which spits out the fires of hell. This is also one of the more sarges heroes pc download weapons to use on toy soldiers, of course, because plastic melts!

It's also impressive to see the lighting effects in this game from death dealers like the flamethrower. Each of the characters has been modelled with a shiny 'plastosheen' surface, sarges heroes pc download, which glows and glints to reflect the colours of the surrounding environment. Using each of the guns on offer couldn't be easier, because as well as the cool cursor targeting systems there's also an auto-target feature.

If your gun is pointing in the general direction of a bad guy, the gun will pick him off for you. This means you can run amok, sarges heroes pc download, and what great fun it is! These guys may all be plastic but that doesn't mean chunks don't fly off when they get shot!

As you take damage, an icon in the top-left of the screen next to your energy bar also shows how injured you are. A smiling green face will turn into a chipped and cracked mess by the end of most levels, sarges heroes pc download. This game may be aimed at the younger audiences, sarges heroes pc download, but there is definitely a challenge for the adults here as well.

Staying alive on later levels is no easy task even on the lowest difficulty setting and stealth and discretion are definitely recommended. The game itself would actually be slightly easier if it wasn't for the awkward camera system. The controls are easy enough to get to grips with, although by no means perfect, but when you get into the heat of battle the camera can become very annoying.

An example: you run out into an open area and are attacked by two men, one in front and one behind. You kill the one ahead and turn around to kill the other, but find yourself running at the camera.

The auto aim helps enormously here, but you still have to be shooting in roughly the right direction at a target you can't even see!

Another annoying thing about this game is the computer Al - on sarges heroes pc download first level after you have rescued your Colonel he follows you to the exit, but hardly uses the gun he is carrying.

More irksome is the enemy Al. At times you'll be able to sneak up on them unnoticed, but sometimes they'll hear you coming a mile off. This inconsistency really does sum up the game, which has some nice touches but not enough to make it stand out from the crowd.

There's a hint of a great game in here, it has to be said. But this - the third- person N64 sequel to an underwhelming PC strategy game - is hobbled by some pretty ropey execution. The toy soldier concept is a great one; taking control of the titular 'Sarge', you're required to lead various assaults against the Tan Army.

For a military-based game, there's plenty of weaponry, from rifles and mortars, to grenade launchers, bazookas, sniper rifles, sarges heroes pc download, and, best of all, flamethrowers. Sarge's Heroes is packed full of neat ideas, and the move from the world of the Army Men to our world thus making the game a cross between Micro Machines and ColdenEye is inspired.

It's just that the game is hobbled by maddeningly imprecise controls, an awful, fun-killing camera and drab, basic, foggy graphics. So, despite its promise, Sarge's Heroes is never more than mildly diverting. Ho hum. Green and Tan are at it again. They also capture Sarges heroes pc download daughter and Sarge's love, Vikki. If that isn't bad enough, Tan has also discovered portals to different parts of the world where new weapons of incredible destruction have been sarges heroes pc download. Tan has the advantage and is ready to finish off the Green army once and for all, sarges heroes pc download.

As Sarge, you will use a large arsenal of weapons to single-handedly go up against the Tan army, free your buddies and Vikki, and put an end to Tan's evil plans. Good luck, you're going to need it. Gameplay is similar to Tomb Raider style games. It is played in a third person perspective and involves lots of running, jumping, climbing, etc.

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Sarges heroes pc download

sarges heroes pc download

If you've never melted a toy soldier with a magnifying glass, you may miss the point of Sarge's Heroes. In this spin-off of Army Men, Sarge's Heroes lets you take your plasticidal tendencies into the real world where you'll play as the two-inch-tall green-plastic hero, Sarge, battling the tan army in 14 levels, which include the kitchen /10(11). Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes Portable full versions for PC download. Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes is the first work of Sarge’s Heroes subseries, and was released on Windows, PlayStation, If some download link is missing, and you do need it, just please send an email (along with post link and missing link) to remind us to reupload the. Army Men - Sarge's Heroes ROM Download for Nintendo Play Army Men - Sarge's Heroes online or download N64 game in USA (English) version only at ROMsDownload. Army Men - Sarge's Heroes game for Nintendo 64 works on computers and mobile devices with an emulator. This ROM is the best quality available and also plays on Android and iOS phones or tablets using N64 app.4/5(5).

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